Product Drawing
Enter the serial number of your product or select from the list:
Select the line with the group of serial numbers in which your product fits:
Code Version Serial number Status
05443.7 13 from 000142 to 999999
05443.7 12 from 000140 to 000141
05443.7 11 from 000139 to 000139
05443.7 10 from 000106 to 000138
05443.7 9 from 000100 to 000105
05443.7 8 from 000068 to 000099
05443.7 7 from 000050 to 000067
05443.7 6 from 000048 to 000049
05443.7 5 from 000042 to 000047
05443.7 4 from 000027 to 000041
05443.7 3 from 000022 to 000026
05443.7 2 from 000012 to 000021
05443.7 1 from 000001 to 000011