
Authorized Technical Assistants Training
Following the Authorized Technical Assistants (ATA) program developed by Metalurgica Siemsen, during last January 2013 one more meeting was held at the company Training Center.
Totally 13 professional were trained belonging to the following companies:
Master Aragão Assistência - São José Dos Pinhais - PR
Eletro Parana - Curitiba - PR
Assistencia Tecnica Universo - Ponta Grossa - PR
Casa Das Balanças - Uberlandia - MG
Bierrenbach Mecânica E Hidraúlica Ltda. - Rio De Janeiro - RJ
Technodal - Rio Do Sul - SC
Pactus Comercial Ltda. - São Vicente - SP
Oficina Da Gastronomia - Gramado - Rs
Thofehrn Eletro Comércio E Manutenção Ltda. - Imbé - RS
Metalurgica Siemsen Training Program has the following purposes:
- Show to the participants the model of Authorized Technical Assistance developed by Metalurgica Siemsen.
- Get to know Metalurgica Siemsen facilities.
- To technical enable the participants to the preventive and practical products correct maintenance procedures, specially observing the NR 12 and INMETRO Brazilian norms and rules.
At the end of the workshop each participant receive a KIT containing the Product Catalogue, a Pencil, the ATA Contract, an ATA jacket, the Training Certificate and the Technical Assistance Certificate.
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